E s c a p e to F r e e d o m
The Life and Legacy of Georgia Geechee Susie King Taylor

A website created by the Susie King Taylor Women's Institute & Ecology Center for research and exhibition purposes.

I was born under the slave law in Georgia, in 1848, and was brought up by my grandmother in Savannah. There were three of us with her, my younger sister and brother. My brother and I being the two eldest, we were sent to a friend of my grandmother, Mrs. Woodhouse, a widow, to learn to read and write. She was a free woman and lived on Bay Lane, between Habersham and Price streets, about half a mile from my house. We went every day about nine o'clock, with our books wrapped in paper to prevent the police or white persons from seeing them. We went in, one at a time, through the gate, into the yard to the L kitchen, which was the schoolroom. She had twenty-five or thirty children whom she taught, assisted by her daughter, Mary Jane. The neighbors would see us going in sometimes, but they supposed we were there learning trades, as it was the custom to give children a trade of some kind. After school we left the same way we entered, one by one, when we would go to a square, about a block from the school, and wait for each other. We would gather laurel leaves and pop them on our hands, on our way home. I remained at her school for two years or more, when I was sent to a Mrs. Mary Beasley, where I continued until May, 1860, when she told my grandmother she had taught me all she knew, and grandmother had better get some one else who could teach me more, so I stopped my studies for a while.

“It seems strange how our aversion to seeing suffering is overcome in war—how we are able to see the most sickening sights, such as men with their limbs blown off and mangled by the deadly shells, without a shudder; and instead of turning away, how we hurry to assist in alleviating their pain, bind up their wounds, and press cool water to their parched lips, with feelings of only sympathy and pity.” Susie King Taylor

“I gave my service willingly for four years and three months without receiving a dollar. I was glad, however, to be allowed to go with the regiment, to care for the sick and afflicted comrades.” Susie King Taylor

U.S. Civil War Service Records, Union Colored Troops, 1863-1865
War Department. Adjutant General. Colored Troop Division, 1863 - 1888
African American Civil War Memorial Museum
American Civil War Museum (Richmond, VA)
33rd United States Colored Troops
U.S. Colored Troops/National Geographic
Center for the Study of the Civil War - Kennesaw State University
National Civil War Naval Museum - Columbus, GA
American Battlefield Trust: U.S.C.T. - Role of African Americans in the Army